Thursday, June 25, 2009

Trial Separation - Marklin and Frankfurt: Nathan

So Jordan didn't want to come to Goppingen, so we decided it would be best to go our separate ways and meet in Paris. Time to strategize. I found a cheap hostel and and direct train to Paris in Frankfurt, so I figured that could be home base. I thought I missed the train early though which would have screwed up the whole day, but in fact the train was late, one time that actually paid off. Late trains seemed to be a recurring theme though, don't know what was going on that day.

Marklin Museum - For those that know anything about me, this is considered a Mecca. For those that don't, here's a little background. Instead of wasting my money on alcohol and drugs and other things of that nature, I waste it on model trains. I sell model trains in San Antonio when I'm not at school. Sometimes I even go home for a weekend and some extra cash to work a couple days.
Marklin is one of the oldest companies, and probably the oldest still in existence to produce model trains. Their first was a wind up in 1895 and it's been history since. The museum had examples of their oldest all the way up to their latest and greatest with the fancy digital systems. Needless to say, I basically killed my camera there. I learned though that they started off doing doll houses and tea sets. They some small appliances too. Good stuff to know. They have a lot of parts for stuff at the shop too, and it looks like LGB could make a comeback as well. Not that 99% of you know what half of that stuff meant. That's alright with me.
Frankfurt - I got in kind of late last night. The city itself looks very modern though. I'm in a hostel right across the street from the main train station. Made finding it very easy, too easy I couldn't find it when I got here. The hostel is lively and the rooms are big. Today I'll probably be running errands because I have the impression that there isn't much tourist type stuff to do. It's more of a place to stage me for my trip to Paris tomorrow.
This trial separation is good for when I go to Pamplona to watch the bulls run. And as much as I wanted to stay in Berlin and do a couple more things, the museum was important to me enough.

See you space cowboy...

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