Thursday, June 25, 2009

Berlin: Nathan

I guess in the rush, I never really talked about Berlin. We got in a little late to do much the first day, but we met an Australian named Saul who took us over to the Eastside Gallery. The Eastside Gallery is a 1.3 km section of the Berlin Wall still standing with lots of art on it. In places, it has been chipped away or covered with tourist graffiti, but in others they are having the original artists repaint their works in preparation for the 20 year anniversary of when the wall fell (presumably in November). The artists originally painted the elaborate murals in 1990.

After what turned out to be a late night, we woke for a free walking tour the next day. Our guide was a short red-headed Scottish woman. Not gonna lie, loved the accent. The tour started at the Brandenburg Gate and then spent most of the time in East Berlin at places like the former Luftwaffe Headquarters, Checkpoint Charlie, this cool square near Humboldt University, and ended up on Museum Island. I wish we had more time to go to a museum that day, but plans were to go to the Jewish Museum and then do the pub crawl. Plans are always doomed to fail though, and we got as far as the Jewish Museum before hunger took over Jordan and we had to get back and eat. We were debating whether to go to a club, Matrix stood out, and to wash clothes or not, and again just ran out of time.

I woke the next day, zipped up my bags, and left Berlin. I left behind a ton of things to do the next time I'm there. I'm also starting to think it may have been better just to book overnight trains instead of hostels so we wouldn't be wasting time in the mornings taking the train places.

This is Kent Brockman signing off.

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