Monday, June 29, 2009

Paris: Nathan

The train to Paris from Frankfurt was pretty uneventful, but I met a very nice couple sitting in the compartment with me. They were from Topeka, Kansas and the husband works for a company that does a lot of scoreboard displays and stuff for stadiums. So I asked him if he did anything in San Antonio and he said yes. Then I asked if he was doing the new NEISD stadium, and he said yes too. He also mentioned Round Rock, and I commented on how awesome their jumbotron was, so we're getting a good deal on this. They were visiting the office outside Frankfurt and had just finished so they were making the trip into a vacation and going to Paris.

I met up with Jordan again in Paris. She had beat me there by several hours and was already doing stuff near the Champs-Elysses. After depositing my stuff at the hotel on the other side of town, we met up and saw some sights. First thing I saw was the Arc de Triomphe and then immediately back on the metro to the Eiffel Tower. The 3rd deck was closed so, we decided not to go up. We ended up having ice cream and basking in the sun at the base of the Eiffel Tower and taking a quick nap. Next, we went to the Louvre. The cool thing about the Louvre, aside from the whole Da Vinci Code, is that it stays open late until 22:00. Of course I saw all the stuff you had to see, including the Mona Lisa, but I forgot my camera so I'll have to steal Jordan's photos.

The next day, we went to Notre Dame early to try and beat the crowds. Unfortunately for us, they were ordaining some ministers that morning, so we had to wait until 16:00. The other big to do on the list for the day was to go to the Musee d'Orsay and saw their collection. I found a new artist I like. He made lots of caricature clay heads and drawings, in addition to more serious stuff. I do forget his name though, I'll have to post that later. I did have my camera that day and took lots of pictures of the art and sculptures and anything else that captured my fancy. Apparently the Musee d'Orsay used to be a railroad station as well.

After that, we walked up and down the Seine before I decided to go to the Bastille, but that requires a post in itself.

1 comment:

  1. Nathan, I have photos of the Mona Lisa--I'll be happy to share. I also liked the D'Orsee, and it is in an old train station. I think the statues you liked may have been by Dega. You might check for to see if the Andy Warhol exhibit is still at the National Museum (I think).
